Search Results For tetrabenazine


A drug that lowers levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine to treat chorea, or the uncontrollable twisting motions that affect many people affected by HD.



Tetrabenazine Chorea is one of the most common and debilitating motor symptoms experienced by people with Huntington’s Disease. Tetrabenazine (TBZ) has been the drug of choice for treating chorea in 10 countries for more than a decade. However, TBZ has not been widely used in the U.S. because, until recently,…


Psychiatric Implications of HD

Psychiatric Implications of HD
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Psychiatric Problems are a Part of HD Pathology Huntington’s disease is conventionally recognizable for its motor implications.  Indeed, chorea, or involuntary, irregular, and unpredictable muscle movement, is a hallmark symptom of the disease.  However, psychiatric and behavioral symptoms are also important presenting signs of HD.1  Psychiatric symptoms are incredibly common…


Anesthesia and Huntington’s Disease

Anesthesia and Huntington’s Disease
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For many years, the question of how to best use anesthesia in people with Huntington’s Disease (HD) has puzzled medical professionals. With an occurance of about 5 cases per 100,000 people in the US and Europe, HD is considered to be rare, and anesthesiologists are not likely to come across…


neuroleptic malignant syndrome

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare but potentially life-threatening syndrome that can emerge in response to neuroleptic medications, such as tetrabenazine or deutetrabenazine. Neuroleptic medications, also known as antipsychotics, are broadly used to treat confusion and agitation and allow for normal movement. Symptoms of NMS include mental status change,…


Help4HD International 2016 Symposium

            On April 9th, HOPESters Natty and Caitlin attended Help4HD’s 3rd annual symposium in Sacramento, California. The all-day event featured a wide range of presentations from speakers representing academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and research groups. The event honored the work and retirement of Terry Tempkin, RNC, MSN, ANP. Terry is…


HD in Madame Secretary

Madam Secretary; Season 2, Episode 6; Catch and Release Episode Recap Madam Secretary is a fictional television drama that follows the work of Elizabeth McCord, the United States’ Secretary of State. In this particular episode, the State Department learns that a new leader of ISIS has released a video showing the beheading…


Inside the O’Briens

  Following her great success with Still Alice and Alzheimer’s disease, neuroscientist and author Lisa Genova attempts to accurately portray the disease experience of a Huntington’s disease (HD) family in her latest novel, Inside the O’Briens. Unlike most media outlets, Genova goes to great lengths to understand the disease, both…


World Congress 2013 – Therapies

In September 2013, several HOPES student researchers attended the Huntington’s Disease World Congress, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Summaries of the all the sessions attended can be found in the Conferences and Conventions section of our site.   The HOPES trip to the 2013 World Congress received partial support…



The brand name under which Lundbeck markets the drug Tetrabenazine in the U.S.


vesicular monoamine transporter

Vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs) are proteins in neurons that help put neurotransmitters into vesicles so they can be released into the synapse. VMATs can be inhibited by the drugs tetrabenazine and deutetrabenazine.


The Huntington’s Disease Pipeline

Have you ever wondered how new medicines are discovered? The process of going from an important discovery in a science laboratory to a successful drug available to the public is complex, costly, and time-consuming. This process is often referred to as Research and Development, or the R&D pipeline. It has…


The Motor Symptoms of Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease (HD), an inherited neurodegenerative disorder, damages specific areas of the brain, resulting in movement difficulties as well as cognitive and behavioral changes. HD is often characterized by the motor symptoms that it causes. Huntington’s disease (HD), an inherited neurodegenerative disorder, damages specific areas of the brain, resulting in…
